Looking to mix up your dining hall food options? Want to know some food choices that benefit your health and the environment?
Turns out that you DO have options!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Earth Week!

Happy Earth Week!

This week is about celebrating our planet and recognizing the need for societal change to reverse the human-caused destruction that it has endured. This is a great week to start considering the environment when making your food choices as a part of your lifestyle! In celebration of earth week, the Sustainability Fellows of the Office of Sustainability has labeled Wismer's food stations with facts that will help students to understand the types of resources required to produce different foods with the intention of motivating you to choose foods that are less resource-intensive. Instead of posting a recipe this week, we urge you to take a look at these signs and use their information to think of your own creative ways to eat sustainably in the dining hall that are personalized to your own preferences!

Tonight is an especially great night for Urisnus students to make sustainable food choices in Wismer because the dining staff have planned a Local Foods Dinner! In addition, the Sustainability Fellows will have tables out in Olin Plaza on Thursday, the 20th, with different activities and information on sustainability for your life on and off of campus! This event will include a table focused on food where there will be some yummy and educational taste tests, so make sure to check it out! You will not be sorry for taking full advantage of all the wonderful activities that Earth Week brings to campus, in and out of the dining hall. We hope you learn a few things, make a some decisions to leave the environment better than you found it, and enjoy! Have a great week!


Please feel free to share your own Wismer creations and provide feedback or your thoughts by commenting on this post or contacting realfoodgreenfellows@gmail.com. 
Thank you!

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